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Klann's Halloween Party.  10/27/2001  Click on any small picture to see it full-size
Hey Party animals, If you have MORE pictures from the party you want me to scan and post, send them my way!   Harry
The Wizard of Oz Crowd:  Dorothy (Amy), Scarecrow (Tom), Cowardly Lion (Ann), Tinman (Harry), and of course TOTO (Harley Brown!)
Our gracious hosts, Phil & Paula.  Hey Phil, doesn't KLANN ORGAN have a DENTAL PLAN?
Paulette ALWAYS gets her MAN!
Hey Judy, GOT  MILK?  Dave must NOT be a LEG man!
Judge Curry makes a GREAT Catholic Schoolgirl!
Cruella and the Judge take a little ride!
What, no pumpkin carving contest?  Well Harry will just take his entry back home!
There's NO PLACE like HOME!